Saturday, May 21, 2016

The newest member

Chara likes to be one of the bunch, and they usually don't mind.
Last summer I wrote about our beasts who have now been with us for almost 2 years!  Let me just say that my past 2 years would have been much more dull without Polly, Wally, and Doodle.  I have learned that I can run fast and do interesting stunts when my life is in danger; that fencing takes frequent repair; that Scottish Highlands have no respect for any fencing other than electric (the picture below is only for the effect; it does nothing to keep the cows under control.); that I can be much braver with horned beasts than I originally thought was possible; and that they have been a lot of fun and hard work.  Some days these guys would behave so badly that my parents would threaten to get rid of them, but the fun they bring outweighs the bother.

By some act of impulsive thinking, our cows were named Polly, Wally, and Doodle (named after the song) before we ever saw them.  The names stuck, even though we planned to change them.  It worked out well for the first year or so because we actually spent a majority of each day trying to out-smart the cows as they ran farther and farther from home; thus they were truly "all the day."  

Well, enough about the cows' origin.  I have better news to share!  On Wednesday a new member was added to our cow family.  Our first good look at Grasshopper was just a few minutes after he was born.  "Grasshopper?" you ask?  We knew we couldn't break the name theme now, but the song doesn't specialize in boy names.  I won't bore you with the whole song (which doesn't make any sense), but here's the verse to prove that "grasshopper" is mentioned in there:
"Oh a grasshopper sitting on a railroad track,
Sing Polly, Wolly, Doodle all the day.
A picking his teeth with a carpet tax,
Sing Polly, Wolly, Doodle all the day."
Since Grasshopper joined the family, the cows have gotten a lot more attention.  Wally likes the frequent feedings of "cow candy" so we can have undisturbed time watching Polly and Grasshopper.

Day 1: A tiny, wet cow on a cloudy, rainy day
One of these days Grasshopper will learn that he can't cross under the fencing painlessly anymore.
Doodle isn't so sure about his "big brother" status.  Maybe he feels left out.

Braving the rain and curious looks from Chara for the first time.
Grasshopper seems to be well protected.
Day 2: Polly hid out in the back of the field, so we had to walk through the tall, wet grass to get a look at our new baby.

Polly does not appreciate the curious looks and barks from Chara.  But Chara is still getting used to the new member and isn't quite sure what to think.  So she stands there barking, making Polly upset and skittish.
I have a feeling that Grasshopper and Chara will become fast friends when Polly is less protective.

Wally doesn't know what all the attention is for and why the camera keeps showing up all of the sudden.

Day 3: We got one distanced peek 

Day 4: Polly neglected Grasshopper long enough for us to sneak in a pet as he laid in the tall grass.

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