Monday, November 13, 2017

Inspiration for Monday

About 6 years ago my dad announced that he'd found a new video online that he wanted us to watch.  I remember being less than enthusiastic as I expected a teaching video/documentary.  (Yes, I was that kid...)  It ended up being not only an interesting "actually movie," but also a very inspirational short film.

Today "The Butterfly Circus" came to mind again, and I couldn't remember much more than just the fact that I liked it when Dad introduced us. So I decided to take time to go back and be reminded of what it was all about.  I found myself inspired once again by the message in this video.  Our circumstances or backgrounds don't have to hold us back.  In fact, they can propel us forward even farther.
"The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph."

It is so easy for me to get discouraged and feel that my life is meaningless...especially in comparison to another person.  But it doesn't have to be; that is a choice.  It's humbling and amazing to think that even my life can be used to inspire and encourage others if  I let it.  It is that choice that I must daily make to give of myself to make a difference.
I would highly recommend taking 20 minutes out of your day to watch this video. :)