Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Snowy outing and a mansion

When I was packing for college in South Carolina, I may have been a tiny bit misled about the weather I would be encountering.  I clearly remember telling my mom "no, I won't need ____ because it's never cold there."  Thus my winter coat, several of my warmest scarves, and all my fuzzy socks were left behind.  After living here for almost 4 months now, I do have a new respect for South Carolina's weather (even though it still [almost] never rains...).  The past few weeks have been considerably cold, which helps me stay a little more prepared for getting back to Washington weather patterns.

But cold isn't all.  Last weekend the weather began predicting snow, and I told a classmate "there's no way it will snow, but it's a nice thought.  That's ok, though; I'm content with the rain today."  Less than an hour later the rain turned to snow and remained that way for the rest of the day.  Obviously I am still horribly mistaken about the weather over here.
The snow could not have been more perfectly timed.  Weeks ago my cousins, a friend, and myself planned an outing for this very weekend, never guessing we'd get to enjoy it in perfect winter weather!  We were all rather thrilled that the snow had come to make our outing that much more special.
Laying aside the snow for a moment, I must say that it has been a huge privilege and blessing to live close to a couple of my cousins this semester.  They have been extremely generous to me, and I don't even want to know what these past few months would've been like without their company.  After years and years of living on opposite sides of the country, we have finally been able to get to know each other and have lots of great times together.  
Those special times hit a happy climax when they gifted a friend and myself with a trip to Biltmore in North Carolina last weekend!  It was so great to spend the day together before jumping into finals week.
I just can't imagine building this place, let alone living in it as a house!  (Wouldn't it be fabulous, though?!)

^Hannah has been a great study buddy, coffee-drinking partner, and much-needed friend this fall!  I'm so thankful we've gotten to connect and do a few things together before we part ways again.  I let her educate me on silly Christmas songs from the radio, and she lets me yell "HANNAH, we've finished our first semester as college students!!" at her.  I'm gonna miss her company!  
Check out this enormous Christmas tree IN THE HOUSE!  There were whole presents acting as ornaments up there.
Somehow this poor goat still found some grass under all that snow.

I just couldn't stop taking pictures of all the snow on the tree branches.  It was so lovely.  Snow heaven!

I'm so glad that I got to finish out the semester doing this with a few of my favorite people on the east coast!  They have been so good to me.  God proves His love and faithfulness over and over again through people and places like this.

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