Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Miracles still happen

It was 2 years ago today that my parents came home from the doctor, finally with solid news.  The past month had been long, trying to discover what was (medically) wrong with my dad, and now he was diagnosed.  Dad and Mom came home with faces that said there was news...and it wasn't good.  We were all gathered into the living room to hear what the doctor had said, fearing what we thought to be the worst.

On July 22, 2013 my dad and mom together shared with Tirzah and me that Dad had a disease with no cure apart from God.  Not only that; the doctors were saying even 3 more months of life would be impressive.  As we prayed around as a family, in shock over the finality, tears came and would not stop.  I could not pray aloud.  Dad, also beginning to cry, called me over to him.  I crawled up next to him on the recliner, usually set apart for him only,  and laid next to him, his arms around me, and we both cried.

From that date forward, knowing that healing was now medically impossible, I began praying constantly for healing. How fearful I was as I counted down the 3 months, and then realized that he had lived a miracle just to pass the doctor's predictions.  Now it is 2 years later.  Despite the desperate, numerous prayers, God did not choose healing.  Dad has only been gone from us for a little more than 2 months.  I am so thankful for those extra months and years that God added to Dad's life.  So I remember today to say, "Yes, God does miracles."  Maybe not how we expect or how we ultimately want, but He knows what we need.  The past 2 years have been a daily miracle.  Even now God works miracles of the Spirit in my life.  I must not let myself stop believing that He knows best and still works miracles today just because He did not choose my ideal.  

"Dear God, Give me peace!  You know that it would be our desire that he could get well...It seems like there's still so much left for him to do!  Now, Lord, that is the earthly perspective.  What is Your will?  Lord, I know it is not beyond You to heal him, but maybe that's not Your will.  Your will be done!  Give us all peace in Your plan!  Replace our fear with joy and confidence...."
(Part of a prayer written at the time of finding out that Dad's doctors were predicting 3 months.)

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