Sunday, October 22, 2017

Jesus, King of angels

Right about now I am overwhelmed with God's grace for me.  In the past couple of months, several people in my life have reminded me that God is continually pouring His grace upon me.  His grace, love, and patience for me--a sinner who is constantly falling into old patterns--is so abundant, and my mind can't quite understand it.  Yet, despite my lack of comprehension, it is still there for me.  The God of the universe cares about me, and the anxious thoughts of my mind.  That is definitely something worth rejoicing over daily.

I was listening to this prayer by Fernando Ortega this week and finding such truth and depth in it.  I, too, want to find my love for God even deeper and stronger tomorrow than it was today.

Jesus, King of angels, Heaven's light
Shine Your face upon this house tonight
Let no evil come into my dreams
Light of Heaven keep me in Your peace

Remind me how You made dark spirits flee
And spoke Your power to the raging sea
And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man.
Remind me Jesus, this is what I am.

The universe is vast beyond the stars
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me and bind me.

With all my heart I love You, Sovereign Lord
Tomorrow let me love You even more
And rise to speak the goodness of Your name
Until I close my eyes and sleep again

The universe is vast beyond the stars
But You are mindful when the sparrow falls
And mindful of the anxious thoughts
That find me, surround me and bind me

Jesus, King of angels, Heaven's light
Hold my hand and keep me through this night

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