Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sledding and snowboarding adventures

We have had snow for 1 month and 9 days now...and, yes!  Still counting!  I'm afraid it's a little obvious that the Smalls have an extreme weakness for snow.  We love the snowy sports, the sparkling whiteness, the crunch of it under-foot, and even the coziness of being trapped at home by it on occasion.

Snow is worth the trouble of getting all dressed up to go play...and then stripping some layers a short time later.  We particularly enjoy sledding (ok, who doesn't?!) and snowboarding (though some of us are rebels and prefer skiing).  
A few days after our first snow we had a friend over to indulge in these snowy activities.  Of course, our best sledding hill ends right in the fence, but we soon came up with a strategy...
When we got going too fast to stop at the end (which was 98% of the time) then we could just lie down flat and slide right under the lowest fence pole.  Thankfully we are all thin enough to fit under, though we often barely scraped by.
No doubt, we got a lot of laughs out of the business. 
After some time of sledding, we got the snowboards out for the first time since the snowfall.  I got to try out being a snowboard instructor (not a future occupation) to Tirzah, who is a rebel skier, and Maria, who had never set foot on a snowboard before.  I take no pride in my instructions (which were rather confusing), but we all got to the bottom of the hill several times with only a few falls.

A picture where we're all standing!

A few days later Tirzah and I went out to sled and snowboard again.  We tried to make the most of the rare snow by going out several times a week.  The temperature kept dropping, which was a relief.  We were concerned that the snow would be short-lived, but waking up to the thermometer's reading every morning quieted our fears.
Sledding like penguins is well-worth the ride.

If I could make the snow stay for many more months, I would do so.  Nonetheless, I am very happily content for the snow we have gotten and for the fact that it is still here for a bit longer!  Here's to global cooling!

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