Saturday, February 11, 2017

Photo challenge: week 2

Last week I started a February photo challenge, and I've actually kept up surprisingly well! (With a few exceptions, of course.  After all, no one's keeping track of me on this one.)  I love getting the day's prompt, looking around the house, and thinking "what on earth will I use for this one?"  

5. Square: Yes, I know that these envelopes aren't exactly square.  But the stamps are!  (I think...)  Sunday, which happened to be the "square" day, is also often our day to chill at home and write letters to friends near and far.  One of my favorite hobbies, to be sure!
6. C is for...cookie dough!  I like to keep a cookie dough bar (or 2) in stock in the freezer in case of emergencies.  Frozen cookie dough is a remedy for nearly anything.
7. Utensil: We were recently given this rice spoon by some missionary friends.  I seriously never would've guessed that a specified rice spoon could be so magical.  It is now one of my favorite kitchen utensils.  If you don't have one, I would highly recommend flying to Thailand as soon as possible to secure one for yourself...or else becoming fast friends with someone living there!
8. Water: More on this later!
9. Details: As someone who loves to color (what else will keep me young in my old age?), I was excited to be given my first adult coloring book (forget what I said about staying young. This thing is for adults.).  Goodness, these things are full of details!
 10. I am...Tired!  Add to that "I am studying," "I am driving" (yesterday and today), and "I am cold."  I'm sure other phrases would also apply accurately.

 11. Mistake: Studying until midnight the night before testing!  I hate tests, studying, and anything to do with math.  Obviously the whole thing was just a mistake.  Haha!
I was also practicing osmosis by putting this book under my pillow and sleeping on it.  I had high hopes that all of the information would filter into my brain over night.  Apparently this was also a mistake because it seemed to do me no good.


  1. I'll be perfectly honest...First off, your humor (I can just picture you saying these things) but most definitely the letter writing on Sunday afternoons AND the cookie dough is nearly enough to send me to the airport!!! I'm finally having a Sunday afternoon to write but it's not nearly as fun as when we all were cozy and writing (or talking?!), ahem, in the living room by the "fire" :)

    1. Yes, definitely more the "talking" than the actual writing! But still so much fun and so missed!
      "Nearly enough"? Hmmm...I'll have to think of something else that WILL be enough to send you to the airport! :D


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