Sunday, October 30, 2016

Alaskans in a Washington world

1 Texan, 3 Alaskans
"Friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget."
Friends that are "harder to leave" are friends worth keeping! At least, that's what I thought after spending a week in Alaska with Hannah this summer.  Hannah and I have spent most of our lives writing each other, but only recently discovered the goodness of actually enjoying each other's presence.
After we visited Alaska in June, Hannah (and Christian) decided to return the compliment and come see us in Washington this October!  Better yet, they got to join us for one of my family's favorite fall holidays--Sukkot, or Feast of Booths/tents.  
Our living room before construction.
Each October we celebrate this holiday by making a "tent" in our living room and spending the majority of our week in it.  Having Hannah and Christian join our celebration was just an added bonus!  And we have been counting down to this trip since August.
(Photo credit for all tent pictures goes to Hannah.  Thanks for capturing the moments I forgot to!)

Maybe our most stable tent of all time!
Toward the end of our 10 days together, we did some filming for a video on the armor of God.  Take note of this important information!  I think it was both the beginning and end of my career as an actress.
Sometimes Hannah and Christian just couldn't stop fighting. *wink*
Our pictures seemed to go by a "serious" theme.
I just love that Hannah is holding the blade of her sword!  XD
Sometimes being serious isn't an option

Caption as you will...I'd like to think this was just a friendly punching match between Tirzah and me...
We also got to play with some dry ice, and it worked quite beautifully!  This stuff really makes fog!
New job description : herd the fog.  That'll go nicely on my resume.
Some of us have rather weak arms, apparently.

The unplanned "everybody pick on Hannah" picture.
I just can't believe how much Tirzah and I look alike...*cough, cough*
Having Hannah and Christian here was such a blast!  I am so grateful for their friendship, and only wish they weren't a flight away!  We think a visit every 4 months is a good idea, don't you?  

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