Friday, August 19, 2016

"Now what?"

"Now what?"  
"What are your future plans?"
"Have you finished school yet?" 
"Where are you hoping to go to college?"

If you have graduated at all recently, these questions are really familiar to you.  Everyone asks this stuff constantly.  I am a homeschooler, 2016-ish graduate, and 18-year-old.  Everyone wants to know what my plans are.  Let's just be honest for a second.  Questions of this variety get old really fast.  What if I don't have plans?  What if I don't know what I'm supposed to do or where I'm supposed to be yet?  This time of life can be a bit overwhelming because so many options, decisions, and changes lie ahead.  It's both scary and exciting.

However, I do appreciate the interest from so many friends.  I am thankful to be surrounded by so many great people who care about me!

So what are my plans?  Have I graduated?  The answer is...I am a homeschooler.

This simply means that being graduated is not a fine, black/white line.  There is always more to learn. At the moment, I am mostly graduated, which is exciting, but complicated to explain.  I hope to use this fall to finish out high-school requirements and get a head-start on college classes.  I have, at least temporarily, decided to pursue an education major and photojournalism minor as well.

I am currently signed up for the Dr Pepper scholarship tuition with the possibility of college in the near future.  If you'd like to vote for me, follow the link and vote so I can go to the next level of this competition!

I don't know what all God has for my future, but I know that I want to live in a way that is productive and glorifying to Him. I want Him to use me as an inspiration and encouragement to others.  My goal in life is not to get people to look at me and see what I have accomplished.  Rather, I want others to know that God can do great things through Small people.

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