Thursday, March 3, 2016

Spectacular book tag

My Pooh notebook holds all my favorite book quotes!
I was tagged by Rebekah Eddy to do the spectacular book tag!  I would have to admit that I don't read a lot, so my options are somewhat limited.  I'm going to assume that these questions are directed for more novel-type books and leave out some of my absolute favorite devotional/spiritual books as well as the Bible.  :)

1. What are your favorite book covers?
I tend to like simple, leather covers.  They are hardy and old-fashioned looking.  So the cover of my Sherlock Holmes book is one of my favorites, I think.  I also really like that a lot of images make up the head on the cover. 

2. What are your favorite book titles?
Hmmm....I like The Last Battle from C. S. Lewis' Narnia series.  The book has so much to say about our last battle in the world, so the title is very fitting.

3. Have you read a book and didn't know why they named it that and what was the title?
Grr.  I know there was a book we recently read as a family, and I was confused as to where the title came in...But now I can't remember.  I suppose Till We have Faces by C. S. Lewis confused me quite a bit, and I don't recall understanding the relation with the title.  (I should read it again)

4. Have you read a book with a character that made you mad?
Horace Dinsmore's friend, Edward Travilla, from the Elsie Dinsmore series made me really mad.  He was that kind of nice character that was too overdone and therefore made creepy.  I didn't like him at all.

5. Is there someone or something from a book you would never want to come across?
I'm pretty sure there are plenty of villainous characters in books that would not be pleasant to meet.  I know the giants (is that what they were called?)who threatened to eat the hobbits from The Hobbit would not be fun to encounter.  The orcs and other creatures from Tolstoy's books would be frightening, too.

6. If you could meet a character in person from a book, who would it be?
I really love the Anne character from Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery.  The way she thinks and talks is something I definitely would like to learn from!  I think it would also be cool to meet Sherlock Holmes and learn from his impressive observing.

7. What book are you currently reading?
I am ever-so-slowly reading through A Gathering of Days by Joan W. Blos.  It is written in journal form, and I really like reading that style.  I am also listening to the audio books Call it Courage and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

8. Have you read a book that made you cry?
To be honest, I just don't cry to books or movies usually.  So I don't recall having ever cried to a book.  However, I do love a sad, less-than-ideal story line.

9. What is the weirdest book you've read?
Probably the Wingfeather series.  It took me a long time to get used to those books (like, not until the 3rd one), and I'm still not sure if I really liked them.

10. What is the worst book or series you've ever read? 
My mind goes blank other than one series: the Elsie Dinsmore series.  I know a lot of people really like them, and they are easy to read.  I didn't like them because the character of Elsie was so perfect that it was way unrealistic.  I don't like predictable, perfect characters.

11. If you could only read one more book the entire year, what would it be?
Seeing that I have a whole book of the Sherlock Holmes collection and that I don't read often, that would definitely get me through the year.  I really like those books!  But any book from the Narnia series could probably provide enough to meditate on for a year.  There is so much about life in those books!

1 comment:

  1. I also share you dislike of those TOO perfect characters. Don't even get me started on Elsie Dinsmore...I could write a whole blog post on reasons I don't like that series.
    You've read the Wingfeather Saga? I really enjoyed those books a lot, but I can see why you might think them odd. I had to read them twice before they really made sense.
    Oh, I would like to meet Anne of Green Gables too! :) She talks a lot which is a fault I share with her. ;)
    Thanks for doing the tag! It was so fun to read your answers and find things that we have in common.


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